Beginnings and Endings

A sunrise symbolizes peace, tranquility, renewed energy and the promise of new beginnings, while sunsets are filled with celebration and satisfaction. Both occurrences are a photographers dream. Sunrise My favorite place to shoot a beautiful sunrise is Jekyll Island, GA. I look forward to making my way down the narrow path to Driftwood Beach on …

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Our Winter Vacation – In Florida

Where do people who live in Florida go for winter vacation? To another city in Florida, of course. If you have read any of our Discover Florida series you know that we are passionate about life in Florida and have made it a mission to explore all of its ten coastal regions. We wrote about …

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Celebrating Simple Pleasures

My life is filled with joy moments and I share a lot of them here, on our retirement lifestyle blog. Joy moments don't have to be celebrations of monumental accomplishments, goals attained or milestones in life, they can be simple and ordinary, like the beauty of a sunset, a child's laughter, a fragrance that evokes …

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Fall In Florida – October Recap

Sometimes writing a monthly recap reminds me that I have drifted off course, and sometimes it reassures me that all is well with my life plan. I don't consciously set out to tick things off a list, or measure my life according to accomplishments and shortcomings, but I do have a tried and true blueprint …

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Finding Your Zen

Hi everyone, I have reluctantly abandoned Terri's fabulous Photo Challenge this week for an opportunity to Guest Post on Right of the Middle by Min. Her blog is about finding balance within the mind, body and spirit, which is a subject I feel passionate about. Min is a very accomplished lady who has many talents …

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