December Gifts – celebrating abundance

Malcolm and I ditched the tradition of presents under the Christmas tree long ago. We did that for many reasons, but mostly because choosing the perfect gift for the ones we love had become stressful, and the season’s focus was diverted away from honest celebrations. It is amazing how much living one can accomplish when not shopping for gifts!

Don’t get me wrong, we love Christmas. In fact, we celebrate it in various ways throughout December. The Christmas tree is decorated by December 1st, with table decorations and accessories to follow. We plan outings with friends, purchase show tickets, issue dinner party invitations, participate in charity events, and ultimately celebrate Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with our kids.

This year I combined turquoise and gold for our tree and table decorations.

The Gift of an Unplanned Moment

During the first week of December, the temperature dipped below 70F and felt invigorating, so we asked two friends to join us downtown for a Christmas stroll. It was an impromptu evening that was such a success it will be added to the Christmas plan for next year. Our downtown area is quaint and walkable and offers a variety of dining, drinking, and shopping options. We chose four restaurants (within a half-mile radius) that have large bar areas and serve great food. The venues ranged from waterfront views to a speakeasy vibe, and each offered something unique and fun. There were smokey drinks and bartenders with flair, festive cocktails, and delicious small bites all along the way. It was by far the best four hours of fun, food, and laughs of the season thus far.

The Gift of Friendship

In years past we have hosted one large gathering of friends with dessert and cocktails to celebrate the season, but in recent years we have learned to prefer more intimate dinner parties. This December we will host two couples, about two weeks apart (to ensure recovery time) to a full dinner at our house. As of today, we have one down and one to go.

What’s on the Plate? Pork tenderloin with blackberry glaze, stacked roasted Yukon Gold potatoes, and Brussels sprouts with cranberries and pecans. The dessert on this night was Tiramisu. I enjoyed everything on the plate, but my favorite dish this evening was the pear salad with Camembert cheese and Chestnut chutney. This salad with a cup of hot potato soup or clam chowder would make a great lunch. See the salad recipe here.

The Gift of Curiosity and Discovery

Using our long-awaited Pentatonix concert (two hours away) as an excuse, we hit the road for a few days of fun and relaxation. The concert was a huge highlight, that I cannot do justice to through photos so please give a listen to the video at the end for a sample of what we enjoyed.

Malcolm recently read this post from ‘Only In Your State‘ that rated seven barbecue establishments across Florida. We chose three of them to taste-test during our road trip. To keep the challenge fair, we only ate St. Louis-style barbecue ribs (with sides) at each stop. We realize that eating barbecue three days in a row is over the top, but it will only sound crazy to people who don’t love barbecue. We will make a point to get to the other four favorites soon.

Driving time for the entire three-day trip was 8 hours and 22 minutes, which encompassed the Pentatonics concert in Orlando, a tour of the Stetson Mansion in Deland, Manatees at Blue Springs, a morning walk at Jiggs Fish Camp near Bradenton, and three barbecue joints.

You can read my Yelp review of the Stetson Mansion here, and I will leave you with a few photos from Blue Springs and Jiggs Fish Camp at the end of the post. Talk about a kid in a candy store? That’s me near any body of water – especially when there are Manatees involved!

Taste-testing Barbecue Ribs

We judged each plate by the quality of the meat, smokiness/flavor, and value. Peebles was an anticipated favorite from the minute we arrived in the parking lot and smelled the aroma emitting from the smokebox. C&K had a similar taste, but the quality of the ribs wasn’t up to par with Peebles. Ellie Lou’s was simply terrible and also happened to be the most expensive. The meat was tough and chewy and the side dishes were clearly from a can or a box.

As I sit here writing, I find myself craving yet another plate of delicious smoky ribs from Peebles. Yes, they are really that good.

The Gift of Nature

With time to spare after visiting the Stetson Mansion in Deland, we made a quick internet search and discovered Blue Springs nearby. Blue Springs is a habitat for Manatee in the winter and a magnet for nature enthusiasts throughout the year. On this day, there were over 400 Manatee in residence. For an entry fee of $6 for the two of us, this was value beyond measure. An extensive boardwalk system along the banks of the springs allowed us to get up close without disturbing. At all other times of the year, the springs are open for kayaking, swimming, and tubing.

The Gift of Simple Pleasures

Jiggs LandingFish Camp near Lakewood Ranch (Bradenton) was like stepping back in time. This place is a nod to ‘Old Florida’ at its best and evokes nostalgic feelings of days gone by.

Come for the day, or stay a while in one of their inviting cabins. Whether you catch a few Bass, a concert on the lawn, or just a sunset, it’s a beautiful place to relax and feel like a kid again.

The Gift of Music

The Gift of Family

The best is yet to come, as the kids will join us for a quiet celebration at home on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. We will be back at the end of the month with a wrap-up. Until then, we wish you well and hope you are enjoying the abundant gifts of December.

Sharing with Terri at Sunday Stills – Show Me Your Festive Spirit

42 thoughts on “December Gifts – celebrating abundance

  1. Hi Suzanne and a merry Christmas from Down Under. We too have ditched Christmas presents – we just buy for the grandgirls – which is fun and easy. We give our kids a cash present to spend on what they feel like and don’t give each other anything – it certainly saves a lot of stress trying to figure out what to buy people who don’t need anything!
    You included my favourite Pentatonix song – they certainly have amazing voices and I imagine their concert would have been a delight, and with a road trip thrown into the mix as well – you certainly know how to tick all the boxes.
    I hope you enjoy your Christmas Day family time – we have to wait til Boxing Day for ours, but it will make my heart extremely happy having all the family here for the day. xx


  2. This is a wonderful way to celebrate the Christmas season. This year is our first year of agreeing to not buy each other gifts. And we’ve simplified our gift giving to our kid, too. (They are coming to visit us in Big Cypress. That is their gift to us, and our gift to them is treating them to some experiences and food while they are here.) The experiences you’ve described add much festive to the season and are so much more enjoyable than figuring out material gifts. You saw many manatees in Blue Springs! We look for them at our boardwalk out back (at Big Cypress), and sometimes we do see one or two. I’m told more are coming. The gifts you described – an unplanned moment, friendship, curiosity and discovery, nature, simple pleasures, music – are the best gifts. Lastly, I could eat BBQ every day. Enjoy the rest of the season, and best wishes to enjoy more of the same gifts in the new year!


    1. Betty, we ‘got over’ the gifts under the tree thing years ago and I am so glad we did. It’s the little treats, like Malcolm’s morning emails that make me laugh, or the special dessert he bakes for me to take to a friend’s house. Or, planning an entire road trip around a concert. Having your kids visit while you are at Big Cypress is special, and so much better than a gadget that you don’t need.

      Take care and enjoy the season. Although, this weather is throwing a kink in things, isn’t it?

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Suzanne, you have discovered a great way to celebrate the Christmas season. I like the way you travel, stopping to have fun on the way to a destination. As a barbeque lover I see nothing wrong with three barbeque restaurants three days in a row. Sounds perfect! Love the manatees! Merry Christmas!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beth, I’m glad you understand the obsession. There used to be a place near you – The Georgia Pig, off of I95 near Brunswick that was a favorite stop for years. We always made sure to land there around lunchtime when we traveled north. It’s gone now. Not sure what happened, but we miss it.

      The manatees were an unexpected treat. We thought we’d walk the boardwalk and enjoy the beautiful color of the springs for a while, but when we got to the park, the Ranger told us there were over 400 manatees huddled there. Awesome experience.

      Merry Christmas!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. What a wonderful post, really capturing the spirit of the season! Your decorations are beautiful and your dinner party sounds amazingly delicious 😮 As for seeing so many manatees so close, wow indeed! I’ve only seen one once, briefly at night in Belize when it swam under the small boat we were in for a night wildlife spotting excursion – I would love to get a closer look one day!


    1. Sarah, there are a few springs in Florida where you are allowed to swim within their habitat. You need a wetsuit to do it though, since the water is very cold. We visited Three Sisters Springs last year paddled a kayak as close as allowed, and watched a lot of brave souls enter the water and swim alongside them. Too cold for me.

      I’m glad you enjoyed the post. It has been a wonderful December, with the promise of more to come. Wishing you the very best this holiday season. Merry Christmas!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Lovely post, Suzanne! Yes, the true gifts of the season can’t be bought – I agree. Although I love to gift people, the forced and frenzied nature of it at Christmas time kinda breaks my heart and kills the feeling. For me, this time of year is for pausing, for reflection, and for spending quality time with people – not fighting crowds at the mall and stressing over finding the “perfect” gift. I love how you are spending your holiday time (those manatees – wow!). And of course – what’s on your plate – looks so delicious! Enjoy the season, and I look forward to your wrap-up!



  6. Deb, you summarized the true meaning of the season beautifully. We tend to ‘gift’ our friends and family with food, and shared experiences, so trips to the market take precedence over trips to the mall this month.

    The manatees were a wonderful surprise, but the fish camp lit me up like a Christmas tree. Now that, was special. Two hours of calm, all for the price of a cup of coffee.

    Wishing you peace, love, and joy this holiday season. Merry Christmas!


    1. Hi Tracey, I love that one too. I also love Little Drummer Boy, and Oh Holy Night, but they didn’t sing either of those. It was still a great concert. I’m glad you enjoyed the post. It has been a good month and we are looking forward to Christmas Day with the kids. Wishing you well. Merry Christmas.


  7. We also ditched the gifts years ago and have never looked back. The season doesn’t need to be all about stress, but I see too many people piling “shoulds” on their shoulders. Your road trip sounds delightful. Just the right amount of planned destinations and serendipity.

    I am taking note of your dinner menu. The presentation looks lovely and, I’m sure, everything was delicious.

    Have a wonderful holiday season!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Janis, I had a ‘should on my shoulders’ moment yesterday. I was invited to cocktails (a girl thing) but I felt a little off, it was a crappy night (windy and rainy), and I just didn’t want to go. Not like me, but I begged off around 1:00, for the 5:30 event. Sooooo glad I did. My slight head cold turned into a headache, turned into a sore throat and I was in bed by 8:00. I’m still in my PJ’s and Malcolm has gone out to get a decongestant. The universe has spoken!

      I’m glad you too are in the ‘ditch the gift’ club. It makes the holidays so much lighter. Merry Christmas!


  8. Pingback: Sunday Stills: Show Me that You’re #Festive – Second Wind Leisure Perspectives

  9. You are living the blueprint of the retirement lifestyle, Suzanne! I like how you keep moving, enjoy new experiences, travel by road or by sea, all that–being festive all year round is in your blood! I’m tickled to see your link for Sunday Stills and enjoyed reading about all the fun you have. The Pentatonix concert sounds amazing–love them! My hubby may be inspired by Malcom’s desire to explore as many BBQ places as possible.
    I’m giggling at you describing your temps below 70 as invigorating, LOL! I walk daily in 35F temps with my dog (who also loves the cold). Funny what we get used to. Like you we stopped doing Christmas presents years ago–probably during the last big recession. When my daughters told me they could just go out and buy what they wanted, I cheered for joy! We do have two sweet granddaughters in San Diego that we’ll see next month on our 4-5 week “snowbird” trip to Arizona. You can bet we’ll shower them with things they don’t need!

    Enjoy the rest of your holidays and may the peace of God be with you and your family.


  10. So much to love about your post Suzanne. We are surrounded by gifts on a daily basis and many don’t cost a cent. We hosted our blended family get together yesterday as we hadn’t had everyone together for 4 years. It was chaotic and hectic but I loved every minute. I love your decor for Christmas the turquoise and gold which are both very elegant. I also like the idea of smaller gatherings without the stress. This year though, our combined family gathering was pretty stress free as I dropped the ‘everything has to be perfect’ attitude and it made all the difference. Best wishes to you both for the Festive Season and 2024. x


    1. Sue, it was wise of you to drop the ‘perfectionist attitude.’ It isn’t possible anyway, so why stress? What a joyful time to gather your family. I’m sure it was a beautiful day that you will remember with a smile on your face for days to come – even the chaotic parts. Merry Christmas.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Terri, don’t laugh. We cherish the days we get to wear long pants and a sweater! That little cold spell only lasted two days but we took advantage of it. I think you are right about living a ‘festive’ life. We always say we don’t need an excuse to celebrate it just happens naturally.

    Malcolm would be happy to accompany Hans on a food excursion any time. And it doesn’t necessarily have to be barbecue – hotdogs, french fries, fried shrimp, pizza, etc. he has a long list of possibilities to explore.

    Thank you for your Christmas blessing, and also with you.


  12. What lovely gifts Suzanne. I had the word GIFT as my word of the year last year and loved finding all the ways I could be a gift, share a gift and give a gift and your post reminded me of that. Thanks for sharing all your festive spirit in words and photos for #sundaystills


  13. We also have not done gifts for a few years now. I have not figured out a new tradition yet to replace opening presents on Christmas morning. But I do love the full month of various Christmas events – my favorites involve seeing lights. This year we tried a Trolley Lights Ride in downtown St Petersburg and it was a dud. Ah well, the Botanical Gardens was lovely and we’ll do a local neighborhood drive through still. Wishing you and yours a lovely Christmas!


  14. Hi Suzanne, My family ditched the gifts years ago and have not looked back. The gifts that you shared here are the best. I love your elegant tree and table decorations. My favourite is the manatees. Merry Christmas to you and your family!


  15. Suzanne, the best gift is spending quality time with loved ones…I will have my adult kids coming over for Christmas, the best gift indeed. Great post and beautiful photos as always.
    Merry Christmas to you and yours 😀


  16. Suzanne,
    I love this post because it’s all about fun (and a lot about barbeque). I could do ribs three days in a row without any hesitation. Nevertheless, the most appealing meal you shared is the pork tenderloin with blackberry glaze. We prepare grilled pork tenderloin quite often with my homemade BBQ sauce, but the glaze sounds delightful. Wishing you both a lovely and relaxing Christmas weekend. Joe


  17. Suzanne, you definitely celebrate in style! I love the care and attention you put into everything you do. We also gave up gratuitous gift giving long ago, and instead choose experiences. And we also prefer small, intimate gatherings. Your friends who are invited to dinner at your home are fortunate, indeed. The food you and Malcom create looks fabulous! Wishing you both a joyous holiday season and a wonderful new year!

    Liked by 1 person

  18. The two of you have certainly made the most of December and it is not even over. The downtown stroll, the dinner parties, the road trip for the Pentatonix concert and 400 manatees…how terrific. Wishing you a wonderful Christmas Day.

    Liked by 2 people

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