Giving Thanks

Thanksgiving celebrations come in all shapes and sizes, from big family gatherings to eclectic Friendsgiving dinners to two people sitting at a coffee table sharing Chinese takeout and binge-watching Hallmark movies. Wherever you are, whoever you are with, Thanksgiving is about being grateful for the abundance of life. In the US we set aside just one day to express gratitude and give thanks. But, like the practice of most of you who are reading this, it is a sentiment I hold in my heart all year long.

We abandoned the traditional ‘turkey day’ celebration years ago in lieu of a travel week with our kids. When Nana (MIL) was able, she traveled with us too. Unlike a lot of folks who seek warmth in the tropics, this time of year, we want just the opposite – a winter wonderland. Our merry little band of five enjoys sharing a home in a beautiful cold-weather location, cooking meals together, playing games, exploring our environment, and enjoying solitary time. We always hope for snow, but the universe doesn’t always deliver. This year it did!

We arrived late Saturday afternoon, and after settling into the house for a few minutes we were off to the market. We divided to conquer our list of essentials (milk, eggs, bread, cheese, fruits, and veggies) and then convened at the meat market, followed by the wine vendor to select our main courses and wines for the week, including our Thanksgiving day meal. It would be easy to book a reservation, especially in a country that celebrated Thanksgiving a month prior, but preparing our non-traditional Thanksgiving dinner is part of the fun.

The House

We chose a location diplomatically, with everyone sharing their search of VRBO, HomeAway, etc. for the perfect house. A perfect house in a soso location will typically trump a soso house in an outstanding location, so we sift until we gain consensus. When we chose Quebec City, Canada as our destination for this past Thanksgiving holiday, the decision was largely based on the house we found on Airbnb.

With living spaces on three floors, this was the perfect environment for being together or separate. (We learned a lot about living with adult children (daughter and SIL) during our year of Covid lockdown). Malcolm and I consider the kitchen first, (always the central gathering place of any home) followed by bathrooms and bedrooms, while the kids place a priority on separate bathrooms and workspace. This is technically a working vacation for them, so comfort and a slower pace set the tone for the week.

This house provided everything on our wish list, with a great kitchen, four bedrooms, two bathrooms, a great room next to the kitchen, a separate TV room, and, a workspace. The urban farmhouse design with its warm color palate, exposed brick, and wood beams was cozy and inviting. We felt instantly at home.


The house is conveniently located at the base of a hill that leads up to Old Town and all its European splendor. We reach the jewel of Quebec City in just a ten-minute walk and have everything we need easily accessible. Historical charm is what this city is all about, and it doesn’t get better than the Chateau Frontenac, now a Fairmont hotel.

Le Chateau Frontenac – Fairmont

The Chateau was built in 1892 and designated a historical site in 1981. Celebrating the city’s French roots, this hotel is the centerpiece of Old Town. Read the history of this distinctively French hotel here. It is grand by any standards, but especially at this time of year with festive Christmas trees displayed throughout the lobby. We had a wonderful lunch here with a view overlooking the St. Lawrence River.

Walks to Old Town were commonplace as we explored the cobblestone streets and pathways while seeking out promising lunch spots and photo ops. Walking on steeply inclined streets, especially in snow, ice, and eventually slush provided ample daily exercise.


Visiting the Christmas markets which opened on Thanksgiving day left us slightly disappointed, but happy to have had the experience. We visited three of the advertised five markets and decided that was enough. Many of the booths touted repetitive items. We came away with a bottle of maple syrup-infused cider and a bag of churros which we happily consumed on the way back to the house.

Morgan and I visited the Strom Nordic Spa which looked captivating from the photos on their website, but in reality seemed a bit cheezy. Unable to muster the courage to immerse ourselves in the communal and very commercial bath experience, we left shortly after our massage. Live and learn. I snapped a few photos at clever angles in order to avoid the mass of humanity invading my lens. Any thoughts on communal baths?

Playing in freshly fallen snow, was by far our favorite form of entertainment. Luckily for us, it lasted for most of the day on Sunday and we took full advantage of the fluffy white stuff before it melted away. Malcolm’s snow bear (Smokey) was a bit rough around the edges, but he made us smile. And, yes, that is a lit cigar.

Sharing Smokey Bear with Sunday Stills Challenge – Rounded. This is a No judgment zone as ROUNDED lends itself to interpretation. 🙂

The Experience

We enjoy this opportunity to relax and spend downtime with our kids, as opposed to having to check every box on the ‘to-do’ list of a destination. Being in a home (as opposed to a hotel room) promotes togetherness, and that is what this holiday means to us. We prepare meals, play games, watch TV together, and have actual conversations. We may not have their full attention, (work calls) but it’s enough.

Of course, we could do all of this in the comfort of our own home but there is something magical about transporting yourself to the other side of ordinary. If only for a little while…..

Happy Thanksgiving

Wishing you ‘the other side of ordinary’ as we kick off this holiday season…

51 thoughts on “Giving Thanks

  1. Trying to get two children and their spouses and five grandchildren together reminds me of the wack-a-mole game. Due to two grandchildren working on Thanksgiving – a paramedic and a chef – and three more visiting other relatives, we managed to gather all of our daughter’s family on Friday for turkey dinner. Next year we are planning a family retreat on a weekend between Thanksgiving and Christmas – not sure what to call it, except we have a shot at getting everyone together.


    1. John, the good news is that you have an entire year to come up with a name for your “between holidays” celebration. Still no grands to herd for us, so it is fairly easy to get Morgan and hubby to go along with the plan. We never know how long that will last, (they have ideas too) so we enjoy the moments we can with them. P.S. I loved the pic of Linda and Meredith on the ATV. Looks like fun!


  2. Hi Suzanne, I have enjoyed seeing your photos on Instagram. So pretty with newly fallen snow, a winter wonderland. Re playing games: a favourite recent family game for us which includes ages 7 to 75 is ‘Catch Phrase’ – small groups and large groups.

    Your photos and post share why Quebec City is beautiful and unique. I especially love you and Malcolm in the snow photos. I agree how relaxed family time and non-traditional celebrations are fun. We spent some time in Quebec City many moons ago and your lovely story encourages me to have a conversation with my husband about another visit. I wholeheartedly agree with expressing gratitude “…is a sentiment I hold in my heart all year long.” Thank you for sharing. 💕 Erica


    1. Erica, thanks for following along on Instagram. I enjoyed putting together the reels in my downtime. It is a beautiful city and although we did not fully do it justice, we did hit the highlights and will return. We were two weeks early for a lot of the winter festivities and venues (ice hotel, toboggan ride, gondola over the falls) that I would love to experience. Oh well, there is always Christmas next year!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: Sunday Stills: On the Brink of Giving #Thanks – Second Wind Leisure Perspectives

  4. That sounds like a heavenly trip! I am ashamed to say I have never been to Quebec City although for most of my life I lived a (very long) day’s drive away from it. You reminded me it deserves a place on my Travel To-Do list. Loved your photos, as always!



  5. Pingback: Sunday Stills: Feeling Well- #Rounded? – Second Wind Leisure Perspectives

  6. I love how you captured the importance of choosing a home for your Thanksgiving getaway, and the requirements you needed to make this fun, Suzanne! I’m glad you could spend the holiday in the snow and experience winter. Great shots all around, the last shot of your coffee in the snow is fun! Happy Thanksgiving and let’s get ready for the December holidays!


    1. Hi Terri, it is all about the house at Thanksgiving. Malcolm and I are willing to compromise on accommodations when we travel at other times of the year, but this week is special, so we do our best to get it right. Having a ‘winter experience’ put me in the Christmas spirit and I spent today setting up the Christmas tree and hanging ornaments. It’s still hot outside, but I can pretend! I’m glad you liked my Iced Coffee shot. It made me smile too.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Oh my goodness Suzanne – the ultimate compliment is that your post made me think I need to do this with my family some time very soon!!! What a marvelous idea to just RENT a house instead of converging on some poor family member’s doorstep. I suppose actually we’d need at least 2 houses as I have 4 siblings and all have children. But I’m going to work on this one for next year! Terrific post from start to finish.


    1. Jan, the TV room was on the floor below the kitchen and made perfect sense. I remember when homes had a ‘den’ that was used for TV viewing. Maybe one day home designs will return to something similar. These days, TVs dominate every space in the home.


  8. I love snow pics (as we don’t get any snow and the closest I’ve been to it was a few flakes in Amsterdam years ago) – the whiteness and the snow bear and the fun were just lovely. That house you stayed in was gorgeous! I can’t imagine having so much money that you could make something like this a rental property (imagine what their “real” house is like!) It looked like a fabulous time and nothing beats spending it with your kids – I really wish Australia had adopted Thanksgiving instead of Halloween – it’s so much more heart-felt. Thanks for sharing yours with us. x


    1. Leanne, you make me laugh. I’ll take Thanksgiving over Halloween any day too. And, I’m with you on the house thing – what does their primary home look like if this is their rental property? Boggles the mind! The snow wasn’t a guarantee for mid-November and was a welcome surprise.


    1. Ann, with just five people in our immediate family, it is an easy and special way to celebrate Thanksgiving. We used to travel six hours to my mom’s house and gather with my siblings and their families, (in excess of 30 people) but that got to be too much. I’m happy with our alternative. Take care.


  9. Hi Suzanne, what a beautiful winter wonderland holiday you had with your family! I loved reading about your trip and how it all came together. The house and snow look fabulous!
    We are doing something similar for Christmas with our three adult daughters, partners and grandchildren, my mother, my sister-in-law, my sister and brother-in-law, in two houses at the beach for a week. It will be chaotic at times but lovely to be able to spend time with everyone together!


  10. What a lovely Thanksgiving vacation for you and your whole family! And I love the location, but have only been to Quebec City in the summer. It looks beautiful in the snow as well. 🙂


  11. The house looks amazing! I’m glad you had fun and relaxation with the kids. My cousin and her husband are with us in Peru at the moment, so we have togetherness in cheap and noisy hotels. No Thanksgiving celebration here, but tomorrow is my birthday, which includes Machu Picchu. 🙂 Happy holidays!!


  12. Wonderful! You are the second family that I know that has rented a big house somewhere far away for the Thanksgiving week. They had a wonderful time too. I had never considered trying to get the whole family together at another location, other than our own homes. This sounds intriguing! I LOVE Quebec City too. Perfect in the winter when I bet it’s less crowded and maybe you’d get a good price on the house. I have never rented a house but it seems worth looking into! I’m glad you had such a great time!


    1. Hi Dawn, November is typically “low season” up north and prices are reflected on some accommodations. It all depends on the location and the specific owner’s desire to lease the property throughout the year. You are right about it being less crowded too.Things were just getting set up for Christmas, but by early Deceember people will flock to Quebec City for the Ice Hotel and Gondola ride over a frozen waterfall. We often rent homes on Airbnb or VRBO and do our best to avoid “high season” wherever we travel. You should look into it next time you have a destination in mind.

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Such a lovely place to visit at a pretty time of year. I’m reminded how much I enjoy Canada, being about as close to Europe as we can get. Your family Thanksgiving sounds and looks wonderful.


  14. I was thrilled to see you got your snow! It sounds like you had a wonderful trip with the family. Made me think about doing a trip for our Thanksgiving at some point… although the take-out Chinese and Hallmark movie marathon sounded good too!


    1. Janis, we visited the Falls on a previous trip and it seems that it is just as awe inspiring in the winter as parts are frozen. We got lucky with the weather, and although we would have loved snow that lasted all week, we were grateful for our play day.

      It was nice to come home to sunshine though. Today we woke up to 50 degrees and sunny. It will reach 70 before the afternoon – Perfect!!


  15. What a delightful place to spend Thanksgiving! We spent a few days in Quebec City in summer several years ago and loved it. It looks magical in winter with the snow and the holiday lights. And that Airbnb you found looks perfect! Love your tradition of a holiday trip with family. As far as communal baths, we’ve been to many hot springs in our travels, and have always enjoyed them. But we prefer those with private pools. Malcom’s snow bear with the cigar is hilarious! 🙂


  16. Laurel, we loved the Airbnb and would stay there again without hesitation. The city covered with snow was beautiful, even if it didn’t last long.

    The spa experience left us flat. When Morgan and I booked it, we had envisioned private spaces, (based on photos) but that wasn’t the case. People were actually using floatation devices (provided by the spa), but disconcerting nevertheless with a dozen or so people floating around in the small pools. I think Covid has made me skittish about a lot of things.

    I hope you and Eric had a wonderful Thanksgiving and are settling into your new life. Take care and thanks for keeping in touch.


  17. Suzanne, What a wonderful Thanksgiving getaway! I’m glad you enjoyed your stay in Quebec City and got real snow. The house looks beautiful. My favourite photos are the ones of you and Malcolm and your daughter and her husband played/ stood in the snow. You look delighted. I see snow every year and love the first fresh snow. Toronto has occasional flurries this week but no snow accumulation on the ground yet.


  18. Suzanne,
    I’m very envious! The AirB&B looks fabulous! I love snow and have only had one family vacation in a winter enviornment (Jackson Hole), then came grandkids and things got complicated with school and such. My favorite picture is the snow village on the long table because we created one many Christmases ago and now have added an RV village for fun. The Christmas trees in the lobby are very well-done. Thanks for sharing! Joe


  19. Joe, with one child and no grandchildren our lives are fairly uncomplicated regarding holiday celebrations, so we take advantage of this time, I’m sure if/when grandkids come things will change. Those snow villages were pretty. I lingered a while looking but couldn’t justify adding more ‘stuff’ to our lives.

    I’ve always thought that Jackson Hole would be a great place to visit in the winter. So many beautiful places to discover…. Thanks for the visit. I hope all is well with you guys and that you are looking forward to Christmas.

    Liked by 1 person

  20. What a wonderful Thanksgiving getaway with your family. And to be blessed with one day of snow sounds perfect and so very different from our Florida weather. I’m happy that you had this family time together in such a lovely location.


  21. Pingback: The Year That Was – 2023 – Picture Retirement

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