Behind Thursday Doors

One look at my Instagram feed and you will know that I favor seascape photography above all else. Those photographs dominate the feed by about 90%. I do have other favorite subjects though. People, churches and doors come immediately to mind. Of the three, my favorite is doors. There is something intriguing about a door, whether it be rustic and weathered or ostentatiously fanciful. I enjoy imagining the secrets they protect.

Some years ago, I posted the first door in the collage below on a local photography FB feed and asked folks to share what they knew about the doors. They are prominent in our community, but no one seemed to know why they were built. You can’t tell from the picture, but they actually lead to no-where. They are merely a façade. Unraveling the mystery of these doors introduced me to new friends and provided light-hearted entertainment for several days. Doors open doors….

The collage of doors below were individually submitted to Norm Frampton’s Thursday Doors over the period of time that he hosted that forum. Each one has a unique story.

JFK Jr. married Carolyn Bessette behind one of these doors, slaves lived in a cabin on a Louisiana plantation behind another, and wealth beyond measure lies beyond yet another. Beauty, pain, history, life….. the stuff of Thursday Doors.

Norm recently passed the Thursday Doors torch to Dan at No Facilities and he put out an all-call to his readers to create a Badge to represent the challenge. The final selection will be made by popular vote and Dan’s conventional wisdom. This is my entry.

If you are intrigued by beautiful doors, please consider joining in the weekly challenge. Click over to Dan’s blog to read the rules and to see some amazing doors.


Happy dance! The badge I created was selected by a vote of Dan’s readers to represent the Thursday Door Challenge for 2021.

24 thoughts on “Behind Thursday Doors

  1. Hi Suzanne – I noticed a lot of tourists taking photos of doors when we were in Europe a few years ago. It seems like the really old homes had doors that were full of character – and interesting handles and knockers too. I enjoyed your montage of doors too – something for everyone!


  2. Aaaah the stories behind a door. I take loads of photos of doors when we’re travelling – but I’ll think more about what goes on behind them in the future.


  3. Christie Hawkes

    Suzanne, I became interested in doors while walking through the streets of Paris. They can be truly beautiful, historic, and full of mystery. Thanks for sharing your photos.


  4. Hi Suzanne, I have become more aware of doors since I started blogging. Blogging friends have shared many interesting and beautiful photos of doors. Doors that are a facade? A new concept for me. Wise words “doors open doors…”. And, like you share, the unique stories behind some of these doors. A great collection of photos, Suzanne.


  5. Suzanne, I remember becoming intrigued by doors during my first trip to Europe back in the 70s. But what is even more interesting is learning the stories of/behind the doors.



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